There's this thing. Called Facebook. A hot mess of social media madness. Sometimes it's tempting to just filter all of it away. But once in awhile a great viral video or hilarious status update comes through, or even better, people give you free virtual cupcakes. Whoaaaa
I stumbled upon a thing called 30 Days, 30 Songs. I love music so I think I will do it, but on my blog and not as a part of a fb group or community. This is day 1, and day 1 is your favorite song.
30 Songs in 30 Days: Day 1 - Your Favorite Song
"All You Wanted" - Michelle Branch
I'm not sure if I want to write too much about why each day I have chosen each song... I might every so often. For today I will just say that my "current favorite" often changes artist/band or genre even but I've always returned to this song and love hearing it every time. :)