Thursday, January 27, 2011

Friday Foto: John Kenn

John Kenn's blog can be found here.

A busy dad who finds time to make art on post-it notes. Love it.
Happy Friday!

And a special shoutout to my buddy Val. Have a sweet birthday this weekend!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mondoetry: Fringes

I was always on the outside
For you, not strong enough
Maybe this explains the ways
I want to be so tough

Endless summer
Feeling number
I close my eyes and disappear
So you won't see me there

The tears are on the inside
more and more these days
Maybe now with growing up
I will transcend this maze

Endless summer
Falling under
You can't depend on me to be
Your savior in the thunder

You can't depend on me to be
Your savior in the thunder

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh, the Snows that you'll see...

So we got hit by some snow/ice/sleet/whathaveyou this past weekend and the city is still shut down because, well...

A) This is what we need.

B) And this is what we have.

Neither of these photos are mine. But I took a couple photos outside and will get something up when I have the chance to upload to my compy :)